Be a part of Plant Eastleigh

Eastleigh Borough Council pledged to plant 160,000 more trees by 2030

The trees are native to the UK and the majority are supported by the Council’s own local tree nursery
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We have a new community engagement project to help make this a reality and we need your help!

The trees will be planted by our Senior Rangers as well as volunteers and members of the public during public tree planting events.

Ongoing care and maintenance will be undertaken by Council staff and volunteer groups.

Come and plant trees with us!

We have opportunities for volunteers and community groups to join Plant Eastleigh. Join us in the outdoors and feel a sense of community and achievement as you improve green spaces and habitats for wildlife.

Become a Plant Eastleigh Volunteer

We are establishing a fun and friendly volunteer group to help plant and ensure the aftercare of trees.

Help with practical tasks using a variety of hand tools such as spades, forks, mallets and loppers. Tasks include cutting back weeds and clearing areas for planting; planting tree standards or whips and installing tree guards and stakes; and the aftercare of planted trees such as controlling weeds, applying mulch and watering. For ages 18+

Apply to be a Plant Eastleigh Volunteer

Plant trees with your community group

Subject to demand, our Rangers are keen to organise planting events, autumn through to spring, for community groups; whether that be a club, organisation or school.

Register your community group’s interest by email

Be a part of Plant Eastleigh

Are we planting near you?

Have you seen this flyer/poster or noticed trees being planted in your area?

With a grant from the Forestry Commission we have commissioned a contractor (due to their height of around 3 metres) to plant 486 ‘standard’ trees across the Borough. As part of this phase of the project, we are planting a range of species, and looking to introduce disease-resistant elms.

From 28 February, the Plant Eastleigh Volunteer Group will also be in action until the end of March planting smaller trees from our tree nursery in Horton Heath in multiple locations.

Please see the map below for the allocated plots of land…

Where are we planting?

A ongoing consultation has and will identify a number of sites where tree planting can take place. Locations are approximate and the map was last updated 18 December 2023:


Will the trees affect me and my house?

We believe in the ‘right tree in the right place’ ethos, this means that meticulous planning is carried out before trees are planted to reduce the likelihood of future problems that could affect residents and their homes.

What kinds of trees are we planting?

We aim to plant trees that are native to the UK, as these will establish better and provide the most wildlife value. Most of these trees are grown from seed in our own nursery based in Horton Heath. We will use them to plant woodlands, urban trees and hedgerows.

Who is responsible for the trees?

The trees will be planted by Eastleigh Borough Council staff and external contractors, as well as volunteers and members of the public during public tree planting events. Ongoing care and maintenance will be undertaken by Council staff. When the trees have grown to maturity the council’s specialist tree team will regularly inspect the trees to maintain the trees health and public safety.

Please water your trees!

Be a Tree Carer

If you live nearby to the newly planted trees, the Senior Rangers would love your help to water them to ensure they establish.

Newly-planted trees need to be watered regularly over the summer months if they are going to become established and thrive.

If you have a tree outside your house, or one that you pass on your daily walk, then you can help.

Please water regularly during dry periods with as much as you can – every little helps.

Requirements vary depending on a number of factors such as species and location, but a general rule is that they should receive at least 50 litres of water per week in May, June, July and August.